The Livewire Politics Podcast

Episode 25 | The Gender Pay Gap Conundrum

The Livewire Politics Podcast

Today's episode is called the "10-minute download." A quick and concise analysis of a popular topic that many in the general public have gotten wrong. The gender wage gap discussion has been going on for decades. We've been told that women make only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. Is that statement true? False? Incomplete?

Is there a gender wage gap? Are women paid less than men to do the same work? If that were the case, wouldn't companies simply hire a larger proportion of women and save nearly 20- 25% on the bottom line?

The "pay gap" is actually an "earnings gap" and the reason for this gap is primarily due to individual choices. Not sexism or discrimination. When individual choices are taken into consideration, the gap nearly vanishes.

This episode is intended to provide a spark to research this issue further. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to rate the podcast!


American Association of University Women (AAUW) study:

Personality differences between men and women:

Men and things, women and people: a meta-analysis of sex differences in interests:

Pay By Major 1:

Pay by Major 2:

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